Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New at this picture posting thing....lol

Well, I took some photos of the sheepies. Any ideas on the yellow faced? I'm pretty sure the white is at least MOSTLY shetland, has a pretty decent tail, although a little wooly. Someone suggested Icelandic, but I didn't think Icelandic came in yellow?! Shes got little white "booties" too, super cute. They're getting friendlier. They live in a 8 pannel dog kennel set up in our front yard as lawn mowers currently...hehehe.

And even though it isn't sheepies, I just love my dog, Izzy. Here's some photos of her new "toy" she had found, my sock. lol. Shes playing with her full sister, but a year younger, Jessie.


Nancy K. said...

They sure look like they could be Shetlands to me. The "yellow" is "pheaomelanin" ~ a light reddish-gold pigment often found on white Shetlands. Most of it will fade although sometimes the legs will keep some of the 'yellow-ish' cast.

Enjoy your new sheepies!!

shepherdchik said...

Well there is such a variety of features among the shetlands that I have seen that they look to me like the could be shetlands. They are cute either way and if the wool is good...well who cares if they are 100% or not? I one with the pheaomelanin has kind of biggish ears, but I've seen a lot of them with ears like that too. I have a personal preference for tiny ears, but I don't know that the breed standard is specific about the size of the ears...maybe just the placement? I'd enjoy them either way, they look like fun. About half of mine are crossbred and I'm all about the wool, but I don't enjoy showing. Someone who shows wouldn't like my flock so much. We are too utilitarian here. I love the 'yellow' one, she is spotted!

Becky Utecht said...

Hey Rayna, how are those new girls doing? I'm with Becca, it's all about the wool. Are you getting your breeding groups together yet?

Michelle said...

Hi Rayna, I just found your new blog thanks to a link on Garrett's blog. I love visiting all the various "Shetland people" blogs, so thanks for adding another one to my long list!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

isn't it time for a new post?