Saturday, July 13, 2013

Evaluating, For Sale page, etc

Well I just updated the For Sale page of my blog...I'm really hoping to get a website up one of these days :)  Please feel free to browse :) 

Okay, evaluating....It's tough!  I'd love opinions on these lambs I'm thinking about keeping... The good, the bad AND the ugly :)  This is just a sampling, hoping to take more photos soon :) 

 Okay, I know these aren't  But these are two of my yearlings, Annatto & Chicory.  Annattos fleece is longer, and so I'm debating on selling her.  Chicory will be staying, she microned very nice and threw an adorable lamb :) 

 This is Brenna.  She's one of the ewe lambs I'm debating on.  Thoughts?

 This is Kynthia.  I absolutely think she's adorable!  I plan on keeping her... Any comments? 

 This little mite is Reese.  This is Raja, one of my best ewes, daughter.  Raja is in the top picture with her.  Spotted Katmoget X Spotted Katmoget, and what do I get?  Solid moorit...although if you look at her rump, she may be going fawn?  Opinions?  I just love everything about this little ewe lamb....

 This is Teal'c.  I'm hoping to keep this little boy.  He's been slow growing, but I think he'll catch up soon enough, his daddy is a beast! 

This is Drey'auc & her momma Zaria.  She's a little different style, but I think she has her merrits.  What do you think? 

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