Thursday, July 9, 2009

For Sale list

This is just the "so far" list...lots of others under evaluation that may or may not be for sale later. If there is a particular lamb you're interested in, please let me know, and I'll keep you updated. Figured I'd post this here since I can't do much else because of this fricking cold, and will make a more detailed post in my For Sale blog with individual photos eventually. You can search most of the names and come up with photos.

For Sale (As always make an offer if you don't like a price! Discounts for multiple purchases! $100 for any ram that you want wethered)
Bramble Diana( moorit) to Handspinners flock, no more breeding $75
Little Red Oak Tansy and ewe lamb (black with white facial markings)$400 for the pair
Little Red Oak Gretel(moorit w/ white) $150
Little Red Oak Jet (black) $150
Minwawe Miracle(Ag) and black ewe lamb $400 for the pair
North Star Perdita - black flecket ewe lamb $350
North Star Princess Aurora - black flecket ewe lamb $350
Silver - 1/2 Shetland 1/2 ?? SUPER cute gulmoget spotted ewe lamb. Would likely be a nice crosser because mom is a bit larger than the Shetlands. $125
Minwawe spotted yearling rams(moorit smirslet and black yuglet flecket) $300 ea.
North Star Pongo - moorit spotted ram lamb $250
North Star Mickey Mouse - black spotted ram $250
North Star Thumper - moorit(possibly modified) gulmoget ram $350
North Star Flower - moorit yuglet sokket, likely modified $300
North Star Pinocchio - Black facial spotted ram $175
North Star Pluto - moorit smirslet ram $200
North Star ? - (Polkas ram lamb) black gulmoget yuglet flecket sokket $300
Twin Babydoll/Shetland ram lambs! Hope these guys are going either to a handspinners flock or to be a crossing sire...they have such nice kinky fleece! Should be very soft. $100 ea
Looking for in trade:
Starter Spinning wheel
Fine, soft single fleeced or intermediate fleeced white ewe(s).
Who knows what else I'd be interested in...Never hurts to ask! :)

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