March says "Hi!"
Well, I have my own ideas about who's going to go first...but here's some pictures for you guys :)
Olga's udder...
Olga's "backside" and udder.
A very uncomfortable Olga...
If I had to guess, I would say Olga will be first. She is the most swollen, the most bagged and the most rotund. I think Cornet and Bedegrayne will be last, though, March doesn't have much of an udder yet. Guess I will have to ask Stephen if she's one of those girls that bags RIGHT NOW when she lambs hehe. All of the girls have their little "spots" in the pen, though I wish they were getting more exercise.
Morgan has dropped out of the race, I'm sad to say. She aborted two gorgeous little black lambs. She wasn't feeling well for a while, we had her seperated, and she dropped the lambs a few days ago, just after I posted the contest. Devastated us and mommy, but mommy is starting to do much better now, I only hope there's no damage to the uterus. We're still looking into reasons. Both babies were "developed" though small. They were likely 2-4 weeks early, and just not meant for this world.
But there's still time to get second guesses in if your date expired, or you can change your guess if you want too, I'm not picky :) And, if you don't want a fleece, you can have $25 off a purchase towards a lamb. :) Also, if anyone guesses RIGHT ON the date, I may just let them pick the first movie to name lambs from.... :)
I will guess again, Olga on March 20 (the closing day of MY contest :-)
hehehe, sorry, Olga had her lambs yesterday, she was first, Garrett won :)
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