Monday, March 9, 2009


In the spirit of lambing, and everyone elses contests, I wanted to have one of my own! Just guess the date of my first lambing, and I'll send you your color (or specific sheep, pending it's not already spoken for) choice of skirted, raw fleece! I have a few lamb fleeces, and just about every color. The 6 Sheltering Pines girls could go at ANY moment, so hurry up with those guesses before they do! (More than likely sometime between now and the end of the month, I don't think those full, full milky bags could hold out much longer than that! lol). Don't have to guess sexes or twins/singles/trips, but you can if you want to. Maybe I'll include an extra suprise if you get it right ;-) The 6 girls in waiting are:

Glenmore March Madness (Musket poss. Mioget, we'll see what she throws!)
Sheltrg Pines Modron (black)
Sheltrg Pines Morgan le Fey (Fawn kat)
Sheltrg Pines Grand Cornet (Gulmoget)
Sheltrg Pines Olga (Black Smirslet/bielset)
Justalit'l Bedegrayne (Fawn kat)

Fat and SASSY! All are bagging up and getting "pink". This contest is open to EVERYONE!


Michelle said...

My guess is that you will get your first lambs on Friday the 13th, and that they will both be rams! (How's that for superstitious? hee!) Oh, in the spirit of my guess, black Modron should really go first, but I'm not picky. :-)

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

I'd say Cornet, just b.c. I have her mom and I love the look of her :) And I say the 16th, cuz that's a week from today :)

Dawn said...

I will guess Wednesday March 11th and I see a little black ram lamb from Modron. (no matter who or what though, I cant wait to see the pictures - lambs are so CUTE!)

Kara said...

I am going to say Morgan because I love the picture that Stephen posted in the fall. You picked up some beautiful sheep, again :)! Be sure to come by my blog and play my guessing game, mine is open to everyone too. I say she will lamb March 11th, Wednesday.

Rayna said...

March 11th is almost over, with no babies, so feel free to reguess! God they're wide! lol. I just wanna go squeeze some bellies! But it looks like warmer weather is coming, up to 47 on the 16th, so pray for good lambing weather! But, there's also a storm coming in on the 16th! *sigh* Got some inside pens made, just in case. :)

Kathleen Stoltzfus said...

March 18 is my guess.